Designed to assist members acquire that asset you want with speed and ease, at more flexible terms.

Asset Financing Loan

Not pegged to members deposits

Maximum loan amount of Kshs.7,000,000

Repayment term depends on the asset

The Asset shall be used as collateral for the loan.

There are two types of asset loans;

1. Personal Vehicle Loan

Loan shall not exceed 60% of the current value of the vehicle to be financed.

The vehicle shall be no more than 8 years old from the date of manufacture.

Loan interest charged at 1.2% per month on reducing balance.

Processing fee of 1% of loan amount due on loan issuance

Loan repayment term-36 months for up to 1 Million and 48 months for over 1 Million

Valuation must be done by Sacco recommended valuer at member’s cost

Joint ownership of motor vehicle between member and Sacco

2. Immovable Asset Loan

Loan shall not exceed 75% of the current valuation

Loan interest charged at 1.2% per month on reducing balance.

Processing fee of 1% of loan amount due on loan issuance

Valuation and Charging shall be done by Society-recommended valuers and lawyers respectively at member’s cost