Complete application form for vetting by the Board.
Complete a beneficiary nomination form
Provide a copy of ID or Valid Passport
Provide a copy of KRA PIN Certificate.
Provide a colored passport size photograph
Make an initial contribution of at least Kshs. 27,000, consisting of;
• Non- refundable registration fee of Kshs. 2,000
• Share Capital of Kshs. 20,000 - This refers to the amount paid by the members as a unit ownership in the Sacco. The amount is not withdrawable even if one ceases to be a member. It can only be transferred to another member of the Sacco at nominal value.
• Initial minimum deposit of Kshs. 5,000 toward your savings.
Maintain membership by contributing a minimum of Kshs. 5,000 each month.
According to the Sacco by-laws, partial withdrawal of funds is not allowed. A member can only access their funds through borrowing or termination of membership.
In case a member wants to terminate membership, the procedure is as follows:
A member must give written notice.
Fill in an exit questionnaire form
No member shall be allowed to withdraw from the Sacco membership unless:
i. All loans have been repaid in full.
ii. Any prior guarantee to other members has been fully replaced before
Member can choose to retain their share capital in the Sacco which can be
transferred to their new account in case they rejoin or they can transfer it to
another Sacco member at nominal value.